August 13, 2013

My Big Girl Potty*TM Review

This week's review is going to take an in depth look at My Big Girl Potty*tm by Baby Stella*tm .... Er, no by somebody... by.... Who the hell is this book by? There is no author anywhere on the outside cover, inside cover, or listed on the Amazon listing for the book! On Amazon, it says "by Manhattan" which stands for "Manhattan Toys." That is the company that makes the Baby Stella doll and accessories including a toy called "Playtime Potty." Coincidence? Not a chance. There is no author for this book because no one person wrote it. It was written by a corporation with the sole purpose of selling more Baby Stella accessories! Don't believe it? Just keep reading.

The setting: A house (and bathroom)
The characters: Baby Stella*tm, Playtime Potty*tm, Baby Stella Rocking Horse*tm, Lullaby Wooden Cradle*tm, and about a dozen wardrobe changes

Aside from the uber-creepy looking personified version of the Baby Stella doll in this book and the fact that it was clearly written by somebody that has never written a book in their life, this book is a horrible product placement ad passed off as a children's book. It is pretty sad because the actual Baby Stella doll is actually really cute. It is the only completely plush doll on the market, and the doll available in stores doesn't have the same dead eyes that Baby Stella has in the book.

On the first page of this book, you can see that Baby Stella (available at Amazon for $24.25) is playing with her rocking horse (available from Amazon for $27.95) and her little toy bunny (available in the Snuggle Sleep Sack for Baby Stella at Amazon for $16.72.) Baby Stella is ready to learn to use the potty because she doesn't want to wear diapers anymore. She goes to use her brand new potty, which happens to be the playtime potty (available at Amazon for $15.38.)

Baby Stella then has an accident when sitting near her Lullaby Wooden Cradle (available at Amazon for $34.99), which is currently holding her Cuddle Time Sleeper Bear (available at Amazon with her sleeping set for $15.08 or you can get the bear, outfit, and cradle as part of the Baby Stella Sweet Dreams set at Amazon for $50.00 saving 7 cents) and promptly changes into her Pretty Party Outfit (available at Amazon for $15.72) before trying to use the potty again.

Eventually, Baby Stella is able to use the potty without having an accident! Afterwards, she washes her hands at the request of the narrator. She then forever throws out her diapers (available in the Baby Stella Darling Diaper bag at Amazon for $21.14) and changes into "big girl underwear" (available as part of the Baby Stella potty training set from Amazon for $13.12.) 

In summation, this "book," if you really want to call it that, is short, poorly written, and features no less than 8 different Baby Stella products. If you want your son or daughter to initiate a real world recreation of this book using the real Baby Stella products, you'd better have your charge card ready because it will cost you a whopping $195.76. That is not a typo, and it assumes that you are also purchasing the book (available from Amazon for $11.48.) However, despite all of the above, Lily loves this book even though it "lived" under the couch for about a month. She gives it 5 out of 5 stars. Mortgage your house and pick up this book and all Baby Stella accessories as soon as possible! I did!